Book Description

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A description of how the United States of America has failed to confront economic and social problems, through a process of "Surrender Management." How these problems have grown to threaten its national future, the drastic economic and structural changes that should be made to preclude disaster, and the popular movement that must emerge to force the political revolution required for substantive change.

Book Summary

· ISBN #978-0-9764616-1-6

· Copyright 2011, Carlos L. Arce

· Non-Fiction Book, 540 Pages.


This book is  a non-fiction narrative about America’s most serious economic and social national problems. It presents the thesis that our nation has been practicing “surrender management” by postponing solutions to lethal problems indefinitely. The first three chapters provide the historical background that traces the condition of national “surrender management” that is at the root of each of the topics discussed in this series. The book contains proposals for change that are being advanced. 

It is written for the average person, it is not an academic text; clear and simple description of the history and present magnitude of the problems are provided, followed by numerous common sense proposals for solutions. It also does not try to address all national problems; it rather selects a dozen issues that are presented as extremely serious and threatening the security of our society. The first three chapters present to the reader a view of a country in trouble, without sounding hopeless. They provide a historical analysis of how accelerating technological and social changes have disoriented and created a degree of social disorganization. Finally, they point to how our nation has begun a process of surrendering to problems deemed too difficult to confront.

The national problems discussed in the book include national debt, disconnected youth, illegal immigration, drugs, criminal justice, education, globalization, energy dependence, space exploration, national defense, and the moral dimension. The final chapter calls for the American people to organize in political action to save the nation. Each of the book’s chapters dealing with issues are organized in three parts: first, they provide a historical background of the issue; second, they provide a graphic description of the issue as a major problem in our society today; third, they offer many proposals for change in search of solutions. These proposals for change are suggested based on their intrinsic value, disregarding the present national political polarization that would keep them from becoming viable today.

The concerned public is eager to hear common sense solutions that transcend political extremes. Everyone knows that many of our economic, social, and international problems have reached intolerable levels that will require drastic and painful measures. Political deadlock will continue and will bring about upheaval soon; this book is a prescription for what to do after that.

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