





























A complex man, who is a combination of lone wolf terrorist, political reformer and billionaire, secretly plots and shocks the nation; he forces the American people to face the darker sides of our society.

Book Summary

· ISBN #0-9764616-0-9

· Copyright 2005, Carlos L. Arce.

· Fiction Novel, 295 Pages.


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Book Details

This valuable, informative and entertaining book, written in fiction form, aims at stimulating thought and discussion on critical issues affecting the future of our nation.  It presents penetrating dialogues on the nature and depth of American growing social problems, which may lead the nation into loosing its global preeminence.  It also illustrates extraordinary and inventive possibilities for terrorist strikes against the homeland.

It is about a very wealthy young American, who decides to shock the nation into realizing that it is on a course of self destruction.  In his eyes, the American people are passively marching like cattle into a slaughter house, oblivious to the growth of lethal social problems.  It is about a young man who chooses to forgo the pleasures of his immense inheritance and a decade of normal life, to laboriously and single handedly weave a national web of conspiracy.

Would it be possible to secretly build a large underground tunnel complex in a major American city?  Would it be possible to kidnap the first lady of the United States?  Would a televised discussion of social issues with the first lady from her unknown place of captivity attract the attention of the American public?  Would a comprehensive exposure of mortal social issues and accompanying meaningful proposals for change, cause public opinion to coalesce and demand real political transformation?  He answered yes to all these questions and proved it.